PYCA Egg Hunt

The Potomac Yard Civic Association invites you to participate in our modified egg hunt.
Due to Covid-19, our neighborhood Spring Celebration has been cancelled. We want to keep the spirit alive and are encouraging families to join in a new kind of community fun.
HOW TO JOIN THE HUNT: Create your own paper egg on an 8X11 size piece of paper. Egg drawing/coloring templates can be found on the internet, in coloring books, or you can be creative and make your own!  Color and/or decorate your egg and hang it in a window for all to see. It would be great if the paper egg designs could be in the windows by Friday, April 10.
We encourage children and their families to hunt for the eggs during their walks.
We look forward to finding and seeing all the beautiful eggs you have created.
Take care, stay well, and Happy Spring,
Potomac Yard Civic Association
April 10, 2020

